Return services may be delayed as a result of COVID-19 safety measures.

We want you to feel like every item is the perfect match for your home. If it’s not the right fit, we’ll help you get it sorted and have you on your way.

Artisanelm rely on manufacturer / seller return policy which applies to your order. Most sellers offer 30 Days return window. However, in case if seller has not set any return / refund policy in the listing Artisanelm’s Alternate Return / Refund policy will be applied. If you are not satisfied with your furniture purchase upon receipt, you must contact us within 7 days of your delivery to initiate a return.

Received Damaged Items?

If the order item arrives with a manufacturing defect or damage caused during transit, we will repair or replace the defective or damaged part. If that isn’t possible, we will arrange an exchange. Artisanelm reserve the right to determine the best course of action.

Manufacturer’s / Seller Return Policy

If you need to return or exchange an item, the seller you purchased your order from is the best person to help you. Each seller on Artisanelm manages their own orders, and makes decisions about cancellations, refunds, and returns. Sellers aren’t required to accept returns, exchanges, or provide a refund unless stated in the return policy on their listing.

If the seller is willing to accept this return, be sure to settle on the details in a message before returning the item.

What are listing policies?

Each seller on Artisanelm is responsible for setting their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns on every item they list for sale. A seller can choose to offer different return policies, or decline to accept returns on specific items they sell. If you’re making multiple purchases from the same shop, you may want to check the policies for each item you’re buying.

The seller wasn’t able to help me

If the seller isn’t able to help you, your next step is to request help from Artisanelm by opening a case. With Artisanelm’s Purchase Protection program for qualifying orders, you’ll receive a full refund if your order never arrives, arrives damaged, or isn’t as described.

To get help from Artisanelm, you’ll need to send us an email at with your order # and if applicable images of damage pack / item, description / reason why return / refund is being requested.

Artisanelm’s Alternate Return / Refund policy:

In case, seller has not set any return / refund policy – you can return most items for a refund or store credit within 30 days of delivery. In rare case, a restocking fee may apply.

Conditions of Return / Refund

Following conditions are applicable to all Return / Exchange / Refund request irrespective of whether Manufacturer’s Return Policy or Artisanelm’s Alternate Return Policy apply to your order:

  • Return shipping costs apply, and
  • the item must be in its original condition and packaging to be accepted.
  • Artisanelm does not price match.
  • We are unable to accept any items for return or exchange without proof of purchase.
There are a few items that can’t be returned:
  • Sale / Clearance items
  • Gift cards
  • Personalized items
  • Bundled items at discounted rates, e.g. “5 for $25” (unless the entire bundle is returned)
  • Items you have already assembled
  • Items marked “Non-Returnable” on the sale page
  • Open Box Items
  • Live Plants
Any outbound shipping charges collected on the order will not be refunded. This includes:
  • Any shipping charge for order including upgraded shipping charges (expedited, express, room of choice, etc.)
  • Assembly services included with delivery
  • In case order was delivered with free shipping a flat handling fee of $150 for each large item and $50 for each other items will be deducted from refund.

However, if your item is damaged or defective, these exceptions do not apply. In this case, we’ll take care of it and work with you to find the best solution.

To start a return, email us at to get return authorization. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted and refunded.

Modified Return Policies

Our return policy is slightly different for some products and special-occasion purchases:

Large Item Return Policy

Generally, items delivered using LTL shipping method or any single box item weighting more than 150 lbs are considered Large items.

You can return a large item within 30 days of delivery as long as it has not yet been assembled / installed and is returned in the original packaging. In rare cases, you might have to pay the manufacturer’s restocking fee.

Large items may be shipped in multiple boxes. Before assembling / installing the item, please double check the following when it arrives:

  • Ensure all boxes have arrived.
  • Scan the boxes for damage.
  • Remove the packaging and inspect the items.
  • Take pictures of the damage (if applicable) and send to us.

If you receive the wrong item or it arrives damaged, don’t accept the delivery. Tell your delivery representative(s) and contact us so we can arrange for a replacement. Once you have assembled / installed the item, it cannot be returned or refunded.

Delivery accessibility

The customer is responsible for making sure the item can fit in the room of choice and can be delivered through all entry points by verifying building access and all doorway measurements. Outside access to the delivery area must be clear, and the inside area where the furniture will be placed must be accessible for placement of furniture. Returns made due to this reason are subject to 50% restocking fee in addition to applicable return shipment and handling fee.

Refund Options

You can choose to receive store credit for your return, or have the original payment method refunded. Any associated return shipping costs will be deducted from the refund amount. More details can be found in Refunds.