“Phishing” or “Spoofing” is when a fraudster sends fake emails, which appear to come from well-known companies (like Artisanelm), to try and obtain your personal information such as your password, bank, or credit card information. We take these attempts to steal our customer information very seriously.

If you’ve received a suspicious email, do not open any attachments or click any links. If you’ve already opened an attachment or clicked a link, please review our recommendations to secure your account.

To report a suspicious email, please follow the below steps:

  • Open a new email and attach the email you believe is suspicious
  • Send the email to hi@artisanelm.com. Note: Sending this suspicious email as an attachment provides us with the most information to analyze the email.
  • Please remember: Artisanelm will not respond personally when you report a suspicious correspondence to hi@artisanelm.com. If you have security concerns about your account, please also contact us here.