Return services may be delayed as a result of COVID-19 safety measures.

Changed your mind? We are happy to accept Returns. You can return eligible items for a full refund less ship fees within 30 days of delivery.

Answers to these common questions are found below:

  • Is my item or services eligible for return?
  • How do I return my item?
  • Will I have to pay for return shipping fees?
  • Can I cancel my return if I change my mind?

For more detailed information on our Return and Refund Policies, please visit the following pages:

Is your item damaged or missing parts? We’ve got you covered! See Damaged Items or Missing Parts for more information.

Is my item eligible for return?

Most items can be returned within 30 days of delivery. Item(s) must be:

  • In its original, undamaged condition.
  • Disassembled, if the item(s) was originally delivered disassembled.
  • In its original packaging. If the original packaging is too damaged to be shipped back, you must use a similar sized box as the original or a box no longer than 108 inches.

For more details about returns including what items not eligible for return, please review our Return Policy.

How do I return my item(s)?

Returns are seamless and easy! Depending on how your item arrived, the process to return will vary slightly.

If your item was delivered via UPS or FedEx, you can complete your return online.

1 – To start your return, visit the My Orders section of your My Account.

2 – Identify and copy the order # for the item you wish to return. Send us an email at, including selecting which return and refund method you desire.

3 – Check your inbox for a return confirmation email which includes your shipping label.

4 – Print the shipping label you received in the return confirmation email, and bring the package to a nearby drop-off location. If you are unable to bring your item to a drop-off location, you can schedule a FedEx pickup by reaching out to a service agent.

5 – We will initiate your refund upon receipt of your returned items at our Returns Centers. For more details regarding refunds and the timing of refunds, please review our Refund Policy.

If you your purchase was a large, heavy, or fragile item(s) delivered via special carrier, you can complete your return by:

1 – To start your return, visit the My Orders section of your My Account.

2 – Identify and select the return option for the item you wish to return. Copy the order # you want to return and send us an email at stating your desire to return the item.

3 – Check your inbox for a return confirmation email.

4 – We will coordinate for the item to be picked up at your convenience on an afternoon when you will be home.

5 – We will initiate your refund upon receipt of your returned items at our Returns Centers. For more details regarding refunds and the timing of refunds, please review our Refund Policy.

If you purchased your item in store and carried it home, you can complete your return in store. At this time we cannot accept in store returns for items exceeding 108 inches in length or greater than 150 pounds.

Please bring your receipt and any original packaging to the store the item was purchased from.
We will initiate your refund upon receipt of your returned items at our Returns Centers. For more details regarding refunds and the timing of refunds, please review our Refund Policy.

Will I have to pay for return shipping fees?

Yes, applicable return shipping costs will be deducted from your refund and can vary depending on the location of the return and selected return method.

For more details regarding refunds, please review our Refund Policy.

Can I cancel my return if I change my mind?

Yes, you can cancel your return request using the My Orders section of your My Account page. Canceling your return request must occur before you drop the item off, have it picked up, or bring it to a store.

Changed your mind and want to exchange an item?

If you’d like to exchange an item for a different color, different size, or different product altogether, we are happy to help!

We don’t have an exchange program, however you can return your item for a refund and purchase a different product that meets your needs. Please follow our process described above and as detailed in our Refund Policy and Return Policy.