Artisanelm is committed to ethical and responsible sourcing from its suppliers, and these steps make sure our suppliers share our commitment.

Verification of Supply Chains

Artisanelm requires our suppliers to comply with applicable laws related to forced labor and human trafficking, as well as child labor, working hours, harassment, abuse, discrimination, product safety and factory security, in or as part of our supply chain. We focus our attention on suppliers that we believe source and/or manufacture in high-risk regions.

We expect that all of our suppliers adhere to the our Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines our expectations about slave labor, human trafficking and other social responsibility matters, including:

  • Maintaining transparent and current books and records to demonstrate compliance with applicable law and industry standards. Any violation of applicable labor law is considered a breach of contract by the supplier.
  • Maintaining formal written disciplinary procedures for employees that engage in physical, mental, verbal, sexual or other harassing practices and to clearly communicate them to all employees and prospective employees.

Audits of Suppliers

Our Supplier Code of Conduct permits us or third-party auditors to verify compliance with any aspect of our Supplier Code of Conduct at any time. Artisanelm auditors are expected to understand our Supplier Code of Conduct, as well as local laws, rules and regulations in each applicable jurisdiction. Audits may be conducted on site and may involve discussions or interviews with workers and managers as well as a physical inspection.

Violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct are documented and each supplier is expected to prepare and implement a detailed corrective action plan. Unannounced follow-up visits also may be conducted to ensure that violations are addressed.

Certification of Suppliers

Our suppliers are required attest in writing that they comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, the legal requirements of all of the countries in which it does business and standards of its industry.

Internal Accountability

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is also integrated into Artisanelm’s day-to-day operations. Artisanelm’s category management teams are required to comply with and understand the Supplier Code of Conduct, monitor our suppliers for their adherence to the Supplier Code of Conduct and submit reports to Artisanelm’s senior leadership about their steps to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Artisanelm continually works to identify and address emerging supply chain risks for existing and new markets. This work helps us plan for future trends and respond quickly to political and environmental events. We also assess the need for additional measures to address the root causes of supplier non-compliance.


Artisanelm offers training to employees and management responsible for supply chain management to build understanding and capacity to identify and address slavery or human trafficking, as well as other social responsibility issues. For more information regarding our efforts to eradicate human trafficking and slavery in supply chains, please email us at